GRS® GraverHone VS Complete Apex Sharpening System
Rough, sharpen, and polish high-speed steel or carbide gravers faster with the GraverHone VS. This variable speed hone features high torque with an American-made motor promoting the highest quality and longevity. Each spindle and drive plate are individually qualified parallel to the top surface of each GraverHone. This extra step during manufacturing ensures that each unit is in proper alignment for the most repeatable grinds every time. The Dual Angle Sharpening Fixture, included in this package, is the most well-rounded fixture on the market for achieving any graver geometry desired. Pairing the GraverHone VS with an industry standard sharpening fixture is a perfect combination. Instructions.
GraverHone VS features:
- Variable speed (400-900 RPM).
- Dual direction.
- Quality American-made motor and components.
- Direct drive system.
- Top surface qualified parallel to the spindle and drive plate.
- Time-saving quick lock for diamond wheels (no threads).
- Design styling to match the GRS Air Systems.
- 110 Volt.
Apex Sharpening System Features:
- Color coded dials with storage rack.
- Speedline dials marked for easy step-by-step sharpening.
- Dual Angle dial for unlimited graver geometries.
- New longer post with increased magnetism.
- Updated compact profile.
- Steel locking screws.
- Works exclusively with GRS QC Tool Holders.
- ¼ turn graver lock.
- Simplified post dial.
Package Includes:
- GraverHone VS.
- Apex Sharpening System.
- Apex Fixture, Apex Post, Dual Angle Dial, Speedline dials (90, 105, 120 degree).
- 260, 600, 1200 grit diamond wheels.
- Diamond wheel rack.